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Lirik Lagu Adam Ant - Physical (you're So)
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Adam Ant - Physical (you're So)

Lirik Lagu Adam Ant - Physical (you're So) di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Adam Ant - Physical (you're So) ]

I want to date you maybe
I want to take you out
I want to wine and dine you-oo
I want to twist and twist and shout
I want you hard in my arms
So soft on my bed
You get the keys to my heart
When you wear that sweet dress
(you know, the short one)
You're so physical, physical for me
You're just too physical, physical, for me

I want your roughouse baby
I want this night in your ear
Let me feel you danger
I want to make this feeling clear
I want the touch of your charms
The heat of your breath
I want to say all those things
(those dirty things)
That would be better unsaid

[ Ending Adam Ant - Physical (you're So) ]

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