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Lirik Lagu Adam Ant - Place In The Country
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Adam Ant - Place In The Country

Lirik Lagu Adam Ant - Place In The Country di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Adam Ant - Place In The Country ]

All i thought i wanted was a front door
All i thought i wanted was a place in the country
Now i realise i wanted so much more
Some i love but you i adore

You think you're really swinging
But you're off the beat
The moves your brains a thinking
Doesn't reach your feet
You got to get this complication out of your head
Or find another man instead

You listen very close to what the bad girls said
In all those crumby articles and in my bed
You say i'm just a stripper not afraid to strip
With my brains rattlin' my hips

You've got the kind of looks
That make a dead man stare
But when it comes to working honey
You ain't there
I try to tell you nicely but the screaming starts
You're playing ping pong with my heart

[ Ending Adam Ant - Place In The Country ]

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