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Lirik Lagu The Beatles-The Hippy Hippy Shake
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The Beatles-The Hippy Hippy Shake

Lirik Lagu The Beatles-The Hippy Hippy Shake di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu The Beatles-The Hippy Hippy Shake ]

For goodness sake
I got the hippy hippy shake
I've got to shake
Who the hippy hippy shake

Who I can't keep still
With the hippy hippy shake
I get my fill
With the hippy hippy shake
Ooh my baby
Oh the hippy hippy shake

Well now you shake it to the left
Shake it to the right
Do the hippy shake shake
With all of you might

Then you shake
Who yes you shake
Ooh my baby
Ow the hippy hippy shake
Aah! Ow!

Ow yeah! Ow!

Well now you shake it to the left
Shake it to the right
Do the hippy shake shake
With all of you might

Then you shake
Who yes you shake
Ooh my baby
Who the hippy hippy shake
Ow the hippy hippy shake
Yea the hippy hippy shake oh yeah

[ Ending The Beatles-The Hippy Hippy Shake ]

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