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Lirik Lagu Absurd Minds - Deception
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Absurd Minds - Deception

Lirik Lagu Absurd Minds - Deception di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Absurd Minds - Deception ]

You think that I'm heartless
They believe that I have a heart of stone
'Cause it doesn't make any difference to me
If it's a grain of sand or if it's a human being
I'm not heartless
You've got to know I ain't got a heart of stone
'Cause I distinguish between truth and illusion
I tell them apart

I remember you
You create the world
Everything you see is a deception
I remember you
You create the world
I'll find my way home

When you think you know it all
You know nothing
When you think you know all
About your life
You know nothing
You start to die
My brain has gotta put together
Pictures of thought and sight
Those constitute the mind
In my mind one resembles the other
There is no chance to grade

[ Ending Absurd Minds - Deception ]

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