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Lirik Lagu Accidental Superhero - Hold On
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Accidental Superhero - Hold On

Lirik Lagu Accidental Superhero - Hold On di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Accidental Superhero - Hold On ]

hold on forever, or at least today
don't follow me, i'm blind
now you're forsaken, thought you'd never be
don't forget that you're mine
i seem torn along the path
to decide for the better or blow like a draft
slightly twisted as you listed all my faults
trapped in the vaults of the hard stone
of your heart felt sympathy that you lent to me
slowly revisited with unlimited sanity
feelings of an overblown scheme
hold on forever, or at least today
don't follow me, i'm blind
now you're forsaken, thought you'd never be
don't forget that you're mine
with you, i flourished
love being malnourished
under the cover of a lovers flame
slipped down like the winded needy
forced down like the money greedy
slowly, fundamentally,
followed the epitome of your wasted way
silently, violently, stroked as the bellows blew up
the heat of the extreme shame
hold on forever, or at least today
don't follow me, i'm blind
now you're forsaken, thought you'd never be
don't forget that you're mine
don't forget that you're mine
hold on forever, or at least today
don't follow me, i'm blind
now you're forsaken, thought you'd never be
don't forget that you're mine

[ Ending Accidental Superhero - Hold On ]

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