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Lirik Lagu Accidental Superhero - Lay Down Your Head
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Accidental Superhero - Lay Down Your Head

Lirik Lagu Accidental Superhero - Lay Down Your Head di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Accidental Superhero - Lay Down Your Head ]

lay down your head
it's not as bad as it seems to be
come to my bed
hand over all of your grief to me
and scream so sweetly as you're losing all your ground
and fall so neatly as it all comes crashing down
feel it wash away
save it for another day
don't just let yourself fall
feel it wash away
don't give in 'til one more day
nobody can tell you what's wrong
now hold your breath
whisper your secret dreams to me
clutch it to your chest
forget your fears and just let it be
and fight so fiercely as you find your piece of mind
and come so quickly as you leave it all behind
feel it wash away
save it for another day
don't just let yourself fall
feel it wash away
don't give in 'til one more day
nobody can tell you what's wrong
feel it wash away
save it for another day
don't just let yourself fall
feel it wash away
don't give in 'til one more day
nobody can tell you what's wrong

[ Ending Accidental Superhero - Lay Down Your Head ]

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