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Lirik Lagu Adagio - A World Dreams
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Adagio - A World Dreams

Lirik Lagu Adagio - A World Dreams di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Adagio - A World Dreams ]

Come, my child
Take my hands
I will take you to the world of dreams...

The skies are purple
Feel this wind that touches you
See the birds and observe
They are flying round about you

Feel my touch
To dream you have to sleep
Travel with my words
My sweet child
Take my hands
Come, my child

Now see...

Such a blue world
Green the trees are
Immense it is this garden
The wind and the rain
They have just one colour
Play with the feelings
Without hurting yourself

To dream you have to sleep
Travel with my words
My sweet child

Now feel
This world of dreams is yours
You just have to dream

A world of dreams...

[ Ending Adagio - A World Dreams ]

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