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Lirik Lagu Aaron Benward - Let It Out
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Aaron Benward - Let It Out

Lirik Lagu Aaron Benward - Let It Out di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Aaron Benward - Let It Out ]

I know what you're thinking
That sometimes it's so hard to show
Your heart amidst the dark
And say you are a Christian
But if it's real, and it burns within
There's no way to keep it in
So don't keep it in
Shine like starlight

Let your faith be known
Roar like thunder
Through a megaphone
Cover ground like a funnel cloud
Tell the world what you're about
It's in you
Just let it, let it out
We've only got a lifetime

Surely it would be a crime
To pass them by 'cause you were shy
They need a lifeline
So be strong and don't back down
You've got a flame that can't blow out
So get noisy, get loud
Speak the truth in love
Speak the truth in love

[ Ending Aaron Benward - Let It Out ]

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